
Sprouted Chana (Bengal Gram) Flour

190.00360.00 (inc. GST)

  • Bengal Gram Sprouts are rich in fiber and vitamin B6.
  • It is naturally gluten free.
  • It is packed with minerals like iron, sodium, selenium, manganese and copper, zinc. 
  • It has an exceptional blend of high-quality protein which helps enhance the metabolism. 
  • Methionine, a type of amino acid present in chana is beneficial in the proper functioning of the cells. 
  • It is the richest source of proteins in legumes.
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Sprouted grains are natural, nutritious, and healthy. Sprouted Chana Flour is rich in Protein, Fiber, Minerals, and Antioxidants. Since Sprouted Chana is rich in iron, the protein becomes good food for infants. Use it as baby food by mixing it with milk or adding it to any other baby food to help your baby to get the essential nutrients and energy. Sprouted Chana is rich in dietary fiber and thus helps weight loss. It has an exceptional blend of protein which helps enhances the metabolic rate along with other good effects on the body. 


  • Bengal gram has the ability and the capacity to help the digestive system since it clears it out. The resistant starch in Bengal gram aids fecal bulking or in other words prevents constipation
  • Another benefit of these dark brown chickpeas is that they contain phytochemicals called saponins, which serve as potent antioxidants, thereby helping to keep your system clean. 
  • It contains rich iron proteins and folate which help in boosting the hemoglobin count. It helps to treat Anemia.
  • Bengal gram can also help treat a number of skin problems.
  • Sprouted grains contain higher levels of vitamins & minerals than non-sprouted grains. 
  • Sprouting degrades anti-nutrient Phytates in the food. This increases the bioavailability of micronutrients in sprouted grains.
  • The chemical changes that occur in the sprouting seed activate a powerful enzyme factory. These enzymes make food easier to digest. 
  • Sprouting gives a unique flavor profile to the food. Contain Antioxidants That Fight Cancer Development
  • Boost Immunity and Protect Against Infections and Viruses
  • Fight Obesity and Help with Weight Loss



The sprouted Chana gram flour can be added to soups and curries as a thickening agent and to improve the protein content. It can also be used to make Cheela and pancakes, as well as, Litti and poories by mixing with other flour. Sattu drinks can be prepared. Laddoos can be made. You can add it to your drink to make energy or protein drinks.


450g, 900g

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